Book: Team Guide to Metrics for Business Decisions

Book: Team Guide to Metrics for Business Decisions

By Mattia Battiston and Chris Young

May 2021

ISBN 978-1-912058-00-6

Learn how metrics can help your software team answer questions like “How fast are we going? What should we do next? Where’s the bottleneck?” Deliver software more effectively with greater certainty.

Author: Mattia Battiston

Mattia is originally from Verona, the city of love and home of Romeo of Juliet. He is a software developer and team leader with a great passion for learning and continuous improvement. His focus is to help teams strive to get better, using Kanban, Lean, Agile, and of course a lot of data and metrics. He's been interested in everything to do with Agile since the beginning of his career in 2008. He loves attending and speaking at conferences and meetups for sharing experiences and learning from each other.

Twitter: @BattistonMattia

LinkedIn: Mattia Battiston


Author: Chris Young

Chris has been a computerist since age 12 when he was introduced to the magic of the Commodore PET. He works with engineering and management teams with the aim of getting the best results possible for all involved. The role and value of metrics in this came from discovering the Lean/Kanban community around 2010 which got him measuring things in earnest. He is an active member of the Lean/Agile/DevOps community speaking at Meet Ups and conferences across Europe including GOTO Berlin, Agile Cambridge, CukeUp and QCon.

Twitter: @worldofchris

LinkedIn: worldofchris
